Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Need a job!!!!!!! Need to pay off my debt asap. Wow school starts in April for me? I want school to start in Feb meh I'll rot like crazy at home if I've got no job. Sigh though I'm not really prepared to step into a new campus without any friends in the same course as I am in (I think..most probably!!) yet sighhhh. Maybe I'll have to call amos or some cts friend out for lunch or dinner for the first few weeks before I get to make new friends. Making friends all over again is just...scary... I think I'll need some time to adapt to the new campus :( This might sound quite kia su but: I'll seriously chiong when school starts. No more skipping school, no more late assignments, no more playing like kkkrazy in school!!!! Have to get a good gpa!!! Speaking about poly life, fuck those who discriminate poly students. Mehz hate those arrogant kidz. I don't care if you guys are reading this now, just fug it fug you all!!!!!!!!!!

Bro's 21st birthday is coming. Finally a party at my place!!!! I wonder how it'll be like with....small kids+aunties+uncles+grandparents+army guys??? Hope everything will go well! Hehe hope he'll like the AX top (though I got it much cheaper on their site than those in stores..It's the thought that counts right?)!!

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