Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010~

Hello 2010, goodbye 2009~ It's only the first day of the year and I'm already sniffing and coughing... my nose feels like it's coming off :( I pray nothing happens to me cos I'm still burning. F.IT.STUPID.F.E.V.E.R.

Image heavy~

In my 2009: I've done the craziest and stupidest thing in my whole 16 years that made me regret like crazy and cry like mad. I thought it was the end of me that very day... I will never ever ever bring it up again cos it's really embarrassing. And...thanks for being there ff jan jan, love ya~ ;) In 2009, I found out which bunch of people is real and which is fake. Who a true friend is and who really is a bitch & bastard. Hehe and I've grown quite a lot during this 1 year probably cos of o levels. I realised I love my family more than I think I do. I've made a few more good friends this year and hopefully our friendship will last. Although some of ya are just so lame, but I love you guys ok! Hehe I secretly want to hear more gossips from you people. And love you jan, rachel and wei! I cannot imagine how my secondary school life will be like without people like you guys. I will never forget how much fun we had and how we annoy teachers we hate ;) Had fun in dance cos of xy and pingz hehehe. And when I'm bored at night, hc will entertain me on msn. Xie la~ I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

May 2010 be a better year for everyone!! Let bygones be bygones~ And I pray I'll get my white horse this year ♥ ;)

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