Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I.AM.SO.BORED.RIGHT.NOW!!! I have to wait for another 30mins before I can go to sleep cos my phone is still charging :( Gonna do mani with ctsy at wax in the city tomorrow but I haven't removed my nail polish...... I hate removinggggggg. And I'm gonna head down to 313 @ Somerset tomorrow to take a look, heard both F21 and Uniqlo are huge like crazy. I have no $$ to shop already but I shall go take a look since I'm heading down to Raffles tomorrow. Hopefully I will find something nice but not pricey!! Have to start saving $$ for christmas gifts. Sigh "joy of giving", what to do :( More pictures up next time, got to go pack my stuff for the stayover at ctsy's place tomorrow!! Night night all bunnies!!!! (BTW BUNNY -> ('.') FOR MSN'S EMOTICON!!!)

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