Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I can't believe it's already December now!!! I haven't really done anything for the whole holiday sigh. Have to do something exciting soon. I need to start hunting, life is so sad I have no love. Haha sounds like a lonely kid but I think I really need to hunt coz I won't have time to do so next time. I need plans hehe. Anyway it's so strange, I've been eating a lot ever since I got back from chalet!! I think I gained the xxxxxxkg I think I've lost after the 30km cycle!! I shall upload some photos from chalet to revive my blog!!

Going to leave house soon for my haircut!! Finally!! I've been waiting to cut my hair ever since O levels started haha. Now finally I'm gonna cut it!! I see all the split ends sigh I think I have to cut at least 3 inches?? :\ Gonna get ready now, till then......................goodbye kfl!!!!!!!!

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