Thursday, August 27, 2009

On Wednesday, Jan and I went to Clementi's polyclinic coz my right leg was frigging swollen. And after waiting for close to 2 hours, the reason why I had a swollen leg is....ill defined. We wasted close to 2 hours of our lives at the polyclinic and stuffing ourselves with seaweed and chocolates coz we were so hungry :\

Caught The Proposal and Up today!! The Proposal is good!! I don't understand why the reviews say it's bad. Ah well at least I like it and.........I like Ryan Reynolds!! So Jan and I were left with pathetic 40 cents after spending the rest of our money on food + movie tickets. Hehe and we were searching for food that costs 40 cents and we found some rice choco at ntuc. Not bad for 40 cents!!

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